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Le réformateur français Calvin »»

Memorial on the Friedrichstadt Church in Berlin
Calvin Monument in Berlin-Niederschönhausen
The Magdeburg Calvin
The Hanau Calvin
The Strasbourg Calvin
John Calvin, 53 years of age (1562)
John Calvin c. 1570
John Calvin, 19th century
John Calvin, 17th century
John Calvin, c. 1590
John Calvin, 1574
Calvin c. 1700
John Calvin, c. 1835
John Calvin, c. 1850
Joannes Calvinus, 1599
Joannes Calvinus, c. 1700
Calvinus, c.1700
Calvin, 1866
Joannes Calvinus, 1698
Jean Calvin, c. 1800
Johann Calvin
Calvin, c.1820
John Calvin, 1818
John Calvin, 19th century
Johann Calvin 1821
Calvin, c. 1840
Calvin, 19th century
Johannes Calvinus, 1725
Jean Calvin, c. 1950
Johannes Calvin and Huldreich Zwingli, 1874
Die Waage der Religion (The Scales of Religion) with the Reformers Calvin, Luther and others, 1638
Licht auf dem Leuchter (light on the candlestick) with the Reformers Calvin, Luther and others, 2nd half of the 17th century
Calvin Commemoration, 18th century
John Calvin
Idelette de Bure (1505-1549)
John Calvin and Martin Luther
The Heroes of the Reformation
Caricature of the Reformers
John Calvin
Joannes Calvinus
John Calvin
Johan Calvinus
Johannes Calvin
Johannes Calvin
Calvin and Luther
J. Calvin

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